Psychoanalytic Friendly Universities Survey

This survey collects information from psychoanalytic friendly universities who wish to have their program information on the APA Division of Psychoanalysis (39)’s website.
Is your doctoral program accredited by the American Psychological Association?
Is your program considered open to an inclusive of Psychoanalytic/​Psychodynamic theory and practice?
Does your program have any faculty that are certified psychoanalysts, or in psychoanalytical training?
Does your program have psychoanalytically-oriented faculty, and include psychoanalytical thought in their courses?
Does your program require introductory courses on psychoanalytical theories and psychotherapy?
Which psychoanalytical theoretical perspectives does your Program offer? ​[Check all that apply​]
Ego Psychology
Does your program cover special topics from psychoanalytical perspectives such as treatment of severe psychopathology, race, class, gender/​sexuality, dreams, supervision, transference/​counter-transference?
Does your program require courses on short-term psychotherapy and crisis intervention that include psychoanalytical perspectives?
Would you like your program to be listed on the Psychoanalytically-friendly Universities web-site?

Program and Contact Info

If ‘Yes’, please provide the name, address, and telephone numbers for the program, as well as the contact person. Please draft a pithy statement about the psychoanalytical; components of the program that you would wish to accompany your listing ​[optional, but most helpful – otherwise, we will compose one based upon information gleaned from your responses to this survey​].

Program Address