English Teacher Recommendation for Northern Academy

To the Recommending Teacher:

We greatly appreciate your time and assistance!

The recommendation will not become part of the applicant’s permanent records. The applicant’s parents have authorized completion of this form, and your input will be kept strictly confidential.

For assistance, please contact the Admission Office:

Tel: +1 (845) 288-0636 | Email: admissions@northernacademy.org

Address: 1 Ashley Ave, Middletown, New York, United States


Student Information

Student Name (required)

Recommending Teacher

Name (required)
School Address (required)

Part I: Academic Qualities

ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor

Part II: Personal Qualities

ExcellentVery GoodGoodFairPoor

Part III: Progress in English


Please evaluate the applicant's abilities in the following English areas:

Above Grade LevelConsistent with Grade LevelBelow Grade LevelN/A or Unsure

Part IV: Further Insights

or drag files here.

    9. I recommend this applicant for admission to Northern Academy based on his/her:

    Not at AllWith ReservationMildly With ConfidenceEnthusiastically


    Additional Comments

    or drag files here.

