Requirements and Purpose
The purpose of the community service project is to help students experience the leadership concepts of “contributing to the community and giving back to others.” Students will demonstrate the seventh cooperative principle of “concern for the community.” The objectives and measurements of the project will be based on service, impact and leadership.
Choosing a project
The student will identify/target a local government entity, non-profit organization or cause that benefits his/her local community. The organization, cause or entity does not have to be directly served by an electric cooperative, but the impact of the organization should reach cooperative members. The number of people impacted by the project will be considered in the awarding of the scholarship. This must be a new project, not an existing or already completed project. The project should directly benefit the organization and/or the people it serves. There are no required minimum hours for the project. The student shall not receive compensation from the organization. It must be completely based on volunteer hours.
Submitting the project proposal
The student must prepare a project proposal and submit it online for approval. The Washington Youth Tour director will notify the student’s sponsoring electric cooperative and discuss the proposal before making a decision on the project’s status. For the project to be approved, it must show that service, impact and leadership will take place, and how the three factors will benefit the organization or community. It must show a benefit to the organization that did not exist before the project. It must be realistic for the student to complete. The student must identify a representative from the local government entity or non-profit organization or cause to serve as the verifier and evaluator of the project.
Performing the project
The student will implement the project. Others may be involved, but the project must be led and actively supported by the student. Photos and/or video of project implementation will be recorded by the student as proof of project performance. A student’s local electric cooperative Virtual Youth Experience coordinator will be available to offer guidance and support throughout the project’s timeline.
Submitting the project for judging
Once the project is completed, the student must submit documentation to the Virtual Youth Experience director. The documentation shall include initial vision, work, support, projected and/or actual impact, challenges and conclusions and photos and/or video. A committee, consisting of electric cooperative employees and various community members, teachers and/or government leaders will review all projects and make a final decision on the winner.
Judging of projects
The following criteria will form the basis for evaluating and awarding the $5,000 college scholarship:
- Completion of project on time
- Comprehensiveness and clarity of documentation
- Benefit to the organization or entity
- Impact on the local, electric cooperative community
- Number of work-hours involved in the project
- Demonstrated leadership abilities
April 12, 2024 – Deadline for submission of project proposals.
August 23, 2024 – Deadline for completion of project and submission to judges.
Week of August 26, 2024 – A committee of judges, consisting of selected community, religious or government leaders, reviews and selects the winning project.
Week of September 2, 2024 – The scholarship winner is announced.