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    ,nly ​[ONE​] PDF, JPG, JPEG, TIFF or HEIC file is accepted.

    Please choose a module: (required)
    Facial Gua Sha Mastery (Pre-Lauch Price)

    Regular Price £749


    Next Available Zoom Dates:

    • Sat 15th & Sun 16th Feb at 3pm (UK time)

    • Sat 14th & Sun 15th June at 3pm (UK time)

    Further dates TBA just request these if you cannot make the above dates.

    If you require a different time zone please request this in the date box.



    By signing this form and enrolling you are legally agreeing to not duplicate copyright course material in any form including on social media, will not share with others, and are agreeing to not now, or at any time in the future teach Facial Gua Sha, Cranial Gua Sha, Facial Reflexology or any technique learned in this course. You are simply agreeing to take this training to add to your own complementary or beauty therapy practice.

    You are confirming by signing this agreement that you are not a reflexology, gua sha or complementary therapy teacher or school.


    By signing you are acknowledging you have read and are agreeing to the Agreement above.

    Zone Face Lift Ltd Terms and conditions.

    We do not give refunds and can offer an available alternative date for courses cancelled before 10 days of the course date.