Legal Engagement Letter and Fee Agreement Form

Automatically generate an official engagement letter with fee agreement terms included after clients complete the form agreeing to your terms.

Use our legal engagement letter and fee agreement form during your client intake process to ensure all expectations are set and agreed upon before working on any case. Add your specific agreement terms and conditions regarding the legal services being provided, including the scope, responsibilities, and fee structure, to the form and document template.

Then, in three easy steps, an official, signed legal document will be automatically generated for you!

  1. The client fills in their information and signs the online form.
  2. The attorney then signs the agreement to complete the process.
  3. Your staff downloads the auto-generated legal document, pre-filled with the information provided by the customer when they completed the form.

Switching from manual document generation to automated documents provides your law practice with a more streamlined and convenient way for you to formally establish your attorney-client relationship and billing expectations.



  • Client
  • Law Office Staff
  • Attorney


  • Incomplete
  • Pending Attorney Signature
  • All Signatures Completed