How can I add point values to form fields?

In Cognito Forms, you can assign numeric values to Choice field options in order to build quizzes and tally totals!

Let’s say you have a form that screens prospective tenants for your rental property. Based on how applicants answer, you want to tally a final score that indicates whether they meet your quality standards or not. For example, an applicant may earn one point for answering “Yes” to owning a home but receive zero points for being a smoker. After they submit their application, you can use the final score to quickly evaluate how they fared on their reference check, as well as easily compare the prospective tenants.

To create your point system:

  1. Select each Choice field and find the Assign Values option in the field settings.

  2. Adjust the point values to any numeric value, assigning different values for different options.
    Assign values to Choice fields.

  3. Add a Calculation - Number field to your form labeled Score. Make sure to set the Score field to only appear internally. Use the following expression to add up all your choice field values:

=HowIsYourCredit_Value + HaveYouEverOwnedAHome_Value + DoYouSmoke_Value + HaveYouEverBeenConvictedOfOrPledGuiltyOrNoContestToAFelonyOrMisdemeanor_Value + HaveYouEverBrokenARentalAgreementOrLease_Value

With the ability to insert fields into the form confirmation message, you can let users know their score as soon as they finish their application:

Confirmation message that includes field values.

Prospective Tenant Rental Application custom confirmation message with score included.

On the Entries page, easily view your submitted entries with their respective scores. Or, use the advanced search option to search and filter through entries depending on their score.